School Readiness

Perspectives about readiness have their sources in the belief systems that parents and educators have about child development and the purpose of schooling.  A more productive way to think about readiness is to shift thinking from "Are they ready for kindergarten?" to "What must we do to make sure all children can be successful?"  This approach places responsibility on adults - parents, educataors, and community leaders-to shape the early home and community environment to support children's development and learning.

The Nebraska Department of Education recognizes that is is important for children in kindergarten programs to have expectations appropriate for their physical, emotional and intellectural capabilities.  Specific academic skills often thought to be prerequisites for school success can easily be learned by children whose needs in the following five areas have been met:

  • Health and physical well being
  • Social and emotional well being
  • Approaches to learning
  • Language development
  • General knowledge about the world around them
Parent's need to know: