Early Childhood Care and Education Specialists
Dr. Holly Hatton
Dr. Holly Hatton is Extension's Early Childhood Program Area leader. She is an expert in early childhood development and mental health. She holds a doctorate from UC Davis and has extensive experience working with young children and families. Her research focuses on enhancing the quality of early childhood care and education, particularly through the use of contemplative practices like mindfulness and reflection. Dr. Hatton is committed to improving the well-being of children and their caregivers by promoting sensitive and responsive caregiving. She is passionate about using research-based strategies to help families navigate challenges and build resilience. As an Extension Early Childhood Specialist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, she translates research findings into practical applications for professionals and families. She works to improve the quality of early childhood programs and services, with a focus on supporting vulnerable populations. Visit the Cultivating Healthy Intentional Mindful Educators (CHIME) to learn more about the mindfulness-based intervention project. Education
| Early Childhood Program Area Lead Associate Professor and Early Childhood Extension Specialist Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies ContactPhone |
Dr. Amy Napoli
Dr. Napoli is an assistant professor in the area of Child Development/Early Childhood Education. She is also a specialist with the Early Childhood Extension team, where she is active in disseminating research findings and developing and delivering professional development trainings. Dr. Napoli’s research and Extension work focus on supporting parents and childcare providers in developing high-quality learning environments for young children, particularly in the area of math. For a list of publications, visit Dr. Napoli’s Google Scholar Page. Visit the LEARN Lab website to learn more about Dr. Napoli’s current projects. Education2018, Ph.D., Human Development and Family Studies, Purdue University | Contact Information:Dr. Amy Napoli Associate Professor & Early Childhood Extension Specialist Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies Phone

Early Childhood Nutrition Specialists
Dr. Dipti Dev
Dr. Dev aims to develop and evaluate programs that educate families and child care providers about responsive feeding and healthful feeding strategies. She is dedicated to conducting policy research related to childhood obesity prevention, with a particular focus on assessing, strengthening, and supporting Head Start, the USDA's Child and Adult Care Food Program nutrition regulations, and child care quality rating systems. By concentrating on Head Start and CACFP programs, the goal is to reach low-income and minority children and their families who may be at a heightened risk of obesity. Dr. Dev currently supervises student research in the following program areas: Visit Dr. Dipti Dev's Research and Extension Work Group and EAT Family Style website to learn more about Dr. Dev's current projects. Education2013 Ph.D., Nutritional Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Contact Information:Betti and Richard Robinson Associate Professor and Childhood Health Behaviors Extension Specialist Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies Phone |