Water Lessons for Preschoolers

The Water Lessons for Preschoolers curriculum is a hands-on curriculum created to support preschool children’s learning about water quality, wetlands, and streams. Preschoolers and their teachers will explore and learn about the water cycle, aquifers, rivers, wetlands, and water treatment.
The Curriculum Contains:
Water Cycle - You can make it rain indoors! Children will create a demonstration that shows the key components of the water cycle inside a self-sealing bag.
What is a River? - It’s time for water play! Children will discover how the slope of a river affects the speed that objects float down.
Wetland in a Pan Experiment - Did you know wetlands purify water? Children will explore how wetlands benefit people, animals, and plants by conducting three hands-on experiments!
What Lives in a Wetland? - Wetlands are sensational habitats! Children will uncover the many plants and animals that make the wetlands their home.
Aquifers Clean Our Water - Aquifers are amazing!! Children will learn how water passes through the layers of an aquifer and how groundwater can become contaminated by pollution.
Floating Treatment Wetland - Did you know that plants contribute to keeping water healthy? Children will learn how to create a floating treatment wetland display for your classroom.

Original lessons created by Tiffany Messer, Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky — Lessons adapted for preschoolers by Amy Napoli, Assistant Professor University of Nebraska–Lincoln and Nebraska Extension Educators: Jaci Foged, Leanne Manning, Sarah Roberts, Lee Sherry, Jackie Steffen, and LaDonna Werth; and Becky Schuerman, Extension Associate
Designed by: Karen Wedding
Each Lesson Contains:
- Lesson Objectives
- Standards
- Vocabulary
- Get Ready! - teacher information
- Get Set! - preparation
- Let's Go! - lesson guides
- Discussion Suggestions
- Family Connection
- Resources
- Adaptations
- Books