Couples & Communication
Building a Strong Relationship
Couples can keep new as well as long standing relationships strong and vibrant. They can when they intentionally work on building a strong relationship. When they do this, it also helps to build a strong family. There are several things that can be done to strengthen and grow a relationship.
- Set realistic expectations
- Nurture your relationship - Both partners in a marriage are equally responsible for nurturing the relationship and keeping the spark alive.
- Commit to the relationship
- Minimize conflict - Conflict can lead to either breakdown in the relationship, the family, or it can lead to creative solutions and improved relationships
- Foster intimacy and friendship
- Balance work and play - Your relationship will suffer if you are not managing to meet your needs and responsibilities, in addition to considering the needs of others in your personal life.
- Spend time together as a couple and have fun
Couples can keep their relationship healthy and strengthen the bond between them. Trust and responsibility are the basis of this maintenance guide for couples: Strengthening the Couple Relationship.
Family Treasures, Designed to help families of all kinds assess their strengths as a family and build upon their asssets. This book includes family activities and was written by John DeFrain, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Somehow, nearly everything in a couple relationship comes down to communication. When there is conflict, it is usually because each person sees the situation differently and has not communicated those feelings to the other.
Listening is key to good communication, as well as learning and practicing communication skills.
Several areas can be sources of conflict if not communicated clearly: Asserting "yes" or "no", Parenting and guidance issues, Time management.
One of the characteristics of strong families is positive communication. These short articles look at communication in many different ways:
- Listening and Speaking from the Heart
- Life As A Soap Opera
- Wants Never End
- Smoothing Out The Bumps
- Spiritual Well-Being: Sacred Connections*
- Talking About Religion and Spirituality in Families*
More Communication articles:
Our Relationship ... And Communicating Effectively, G1806>
Open the Door to Good Communication, G1840
Our Relationship ... And Parenting, G1807
Thirteen Timely Tips for More Effective Time Management, G1772
*Document is in PDF format which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download free.
This article has been written and reviewed by UNL Extension Educators and Specialists.
Communication tips
- Tips for talking about money with children, spouses, caregivers
- Clear communication with your children
- Managing everyday stress
- Families benefit from a strong marriage
- Tips for talking about living wills and advanced directives
- Circle of Generations: Working together
- Are you a part of the Sandwich Generation?
- How to be a 90/10 person!
- Expand your sense of humor!
*Note: Tips are in PDF format, 1-2 pages in length. Download the required Adobe Acrobat Reader free.